Friday 17 October 2014

AS Levels!

Hi! It hasn't been 4 months since I last posted a blog, it's a trick of the light, I swear! 

Sorry for being away, those of you who read my blog anyways :P

Since June, my time has been quite limited, I've finished my GCSE, received my results, went to Spain, started A-Levels and I've been settling into this way of working!

A-Levels, for those of you who know, is either amazing or horrific, and for me, it's amazing! I love my lessons, my teachers are great and I've made some great new friends as well as growing closer to my current friends. You get free 'study' periods, in which I spend most of my time working but I have fun with my friends in the odd free we have together.

My favourite lesson by far is art. Learning how to do portraits is an amazing skill to have and it's amazing how different the drawings look if you draw them in a different way! I love the whole experience of trying something new and growing up a bit more. Teachers trust you and treat you with respect and you can generally just chat to them. My maths class is a great example of this, and it's probably the most entertaining lesson I have! 

The only problem I have found so far is how tired it makes you! For the first week I was falling asleep at 7, when I used to fall asleep at 1! It messes with your sleeping pattern which can make you feel stressed but at the end of the day, I enjoy this so much more than GCSE year.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Things that confuse me!

Hello Interneters!

First of all, I should warn you, there shall be lists and rants in this blog so you can either laugh at my insanity or agree with me, or disappear and hate me for my choice of blogs.... Please do one of the first two?

Ok, so recently I've been watching a lot ofYoutube videos and one of the things I see are those American vs British videos, like how we do stuff. As a British girl myself I found that stuff in my own country confuses me, for example:

In Britain, we have next to no summer. It rains basically all year with a few cold but dry spells and very very rarely, we will have a summers day! These are the days where we just become lazy or we decide we have to go out! For example, my parents were sitting outside and we were *supposed* to be having a roast dinner as it was Sunday, however, since it was such a lovely day Mum just said "y'know what? I can't be bothered to cook" so instead of having a roast, we had burger on the BBQ instead. I don't get it, we have like one week of sun and then we cannot be bothered to go inside!

Now this next thing isn't really confusing as much as irritating but this thing really gets on my nerves. When people who are capable of spelling correctly, spell common words wrong. Now the odd typo I can live with, it doesn't irritate me. What does irritate me is the constant misuse of the word 'defiantly'. Defiantly is a word to describe how 'defiant' you were, not how 'definite' something is. Definitely is different to defiantly. Learn the difference.

That same rule goes for 'your' and 'you're', but I'm over that point now. Over it. The next thing that genuinely confuses me is how some people are crazy talented! While I was procrastinating on Youtube, I stumbled across Heather Rooney's channel and oh my Lordie. I showed my friend her artwork and he didn't believe it was a drawing. She is insane. Go and search for her on Youtube because she is definitely something special! Like there are hundreds of crazy talented people, and I'm just sat here like "why couldn't I be blessed with magical hands"?

Lastly, teeth. I've never been but I'm pretty certain on every American I have seen, their teeth are perfect. Completely white, straight and just gorgeous! I mean people in Britain generally do not have perfect teeth and I don't know whether America is just magical or whether we just have poor dental hygiene so our teeth look yellower, but I just don't get how percent American teeth are!

Phew! This was a long-un! I hope you enjoyed it and be sure to look further down my blog at more random stuff!

Saturday 31 May 2014

On Topic (Finally)

Good Aftermornening my fellow humans!

Since I've had this blog since October last year I thought now would be a good time to start blogging about the thing I love. Art.

Before any of you anti-artists click away "PLEASE DON'T GO!". Now that I have your attention, I'm not going to rattle on about the history of art or bore you with exhibition dates (which, for the record are not that boring... but whatever). This was simply a blog to show my art because I'm a horrible selfish individual who needs other people's opinions!

I am 16, and I love drawing whatever I want to draw really, some things I'm proud of....others not so much and really, I wanted some advice from you guys as to what you think I could do to improve it, if that's ok? Great! On with the show! Now some of these are digital pieces of art while some are traditional pencil drawings. Enjoy!!! (I hope).
Anna - Traditional and colour

Stitch - Traditional and colour

Stitch - Tradition and colour

Dumbo - Promarkers

Not entirely sure :P Possibly cartoon me? - Digital

Elsa - Traditional

Self Portrait -Traditional

Zazu - Digital

Sunday 25 May 2014

10 facts about me!

Hello and good evening my fellow humans!

First of all, if it isn't the evening when you are reading this, I apologise, I am not fast enough to speed up the world's orbit... Although, that would be awesome!

Anyways, since my last blog post was very heartfelt, I thought I'd go for a more...lighthearted blog post. Prepare yourself for randomness!! I thought I'd do the 10 random facts about me thingamajig, so I hope you enjoy it!

1. I am obsessed with Harry Potter. Like really, it's a problem!

2. I have one older brother, Lawrence who is a massive over achiever and is currently studying  medicine! Thanks for setting the bar high Loz...

3. I have never been properly bullied, which I am thankful for!

4. I could honestly spend a whole day, outside in the garden, with a camera or a sketch pad and spend the whole day drawing or taking photos!  

One of my most recent drawings
5. I hate Nutella... I'm so sorry!

6. I have always been short for my age and I always look younger than my real age, which can be really annoying!

7. I only drink water. I hate drinks like Pepsi or Coca Cola. I can barely stand orange squash. This leads on to my next fact...

8. I don't know about you guys, but anything fizzy actually physically hurts me. It feels like knives in the throat!

9. I am 1/8 French, but I speak better Spanish than French.

10. My eyes change colour depending on my mood. If I'm really happy they're brown. If I'm neutral they're hazel and if I'm angry or sad they are green.

Monday 28 April 2014

Every cloud....

Good aftermornening guys! (afternoon, morning or evening, whichever suits you!)

I wanted to do something for anyone who feels down today. I am the type of person who hates seeing people sad, and normally, I'll try to make sure you're alright, even if you don't want me to. I get that it can be annoying, but it's something I do that makes me feel like maybe I can do something to help out.

Recently, a lot of people I know have been feeling down about some things, and I am pretty sure most of them are getting pretty freaked out about exams and the uncertainty that comes with getting results. I'm one of them! Seriously, I'm petrified about my exams buuuuut... I also know that I'm doing my best, with revision, effort and attitude toward work, except for one subject which I will not mention just in case my teacher somehow stumbles across this blog.

Anyways, back on topic, if you feel like you are in a place where you feel pressured, sad, angry or any negative emotion, you're not alone, there are people who love you for being you and you shouldn't have to feel the way you do. If you are ever  confused or worried about talking to someone, just know someone is always willing to listen to you! In fact, if you are really REALLY lost, tweet or message me at @MadzeeWright19. I'm pretty sure that's my name...yeah, it is.... I love helping people, and I want to make people happy, so if anyone who actually does read this  feels like they're feeling down, just type me a message and I'll be willing to listen to you and talk to you and help you if you want it.

It's normal to have off-days, but if you are having them constantly, you probably need to just get all those emotions out of you! I need to go now however, because this was incredibly wishy washy, but hey, some people may find it useful :)

Sweet dreams guys!

Friday 8 November 2013

The First Time

Hey! Yeah, you. Hi there.
My name is Maddie and I wanted to find a community where I would be able to fit in and feel as though I can talk about whatever I want *within reason...*. I will probably be rattling on about drawing, GCSEs, The Education System and my very short life at the moment. I am only 15, so the whole 'my life' bit will probably be a bit iffy, but hey, it's a work in progress.
Just so you know, I have absolutely NO IDEA what I'm doing. I just had a thought about a week ago and thought, "I will make a blog and it shall be the most epic blog in the whole land of awesomeness!", and now look where I am.
I'm a temperamental person, and I kinda drift from doing something a lot, to remembering about it 3 months later, which is bad if I want to go on a school trip or something.. Sigh.
I will see/watch/read/hear about you guys soon!
(P.S. I don't mean watch in a creepy way, that's weird..)